Have you recently changed employment?
Did you recently leave a job and forgot about your Pension?
Have you discovered that you had a pension with an old employer and don’t know where to get information in relation to it?
Did you take redundancy from your employer and now you want to find out about the pension that you paid into for years?
Are you informed as to how your pension fund is performing?
Have you stopped getting statements in relation to your old pension?
Certain pensions allow you to access the Tax Free Lump Sum form the age of 50 years of age, if you no longer work for the company. So if you have a pension pot of €100,000 you could have access right now, to €25,000
If the answer to any of these is yes, then we can help. With one short meeting we can discuss options open to you in regards to where to find information and what you can do with the pension.
This is a free service open to everyone, so it can’t hurt to chat to us.
So why not click on this link to request a call back or text ‘pension call’ to 087 6602525
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